Saturday, July 21, 2018

July 21, 2018: Musings

Today is Saturday. After weeks of completely dry weather, today I have rain here in Western Michigan. The dormant brown stuff outside will most likely begin to return to the familiar green that fills our neighborhood and amazingly, the source of the water in my basement bedroom appears not to be groundwater since there is nothing on the cement floor. That, of course, is a blessing of mixed quality. I wish I could narrow the source down - there is no 'active leak,' according to the American Leak Company technician who used fancy, expensive equipment and an hour of his time to make a report to the insurance company - and if the water is not coming from outside, what is its source? There has to be one.

Today also feels like a vacation day. My daughter and grandkids left a week ago Friday and I have spent the past few days doing two things: working almost-nonstop on my family tree, trying to determine if I have ancestors that were hanged during the Salem Witches Trials of 1692 and rearranging my master bedroom to replace the huge, heavy, cumbersome queen bed with a much more manageable queen bed and frame. The heavier one is in the basement, where it will replace an inexpensive setup I have down there. Okay, let me just call it what it really, in both price and quality. Doing those two things have almost completely drained my energy and with the rain falling for the past 24 hours or so, it feels good just to sit and do nothing but read and type some words.

I am also pondering a major decision, about which I will most likely have more later. For now, though, more reading and resting!

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