Friday, January 20, 2012

Plan B is taking its own direction

Friday, January 20, 2012, the 21st birthday of my youngest daughter. I called her this morning and sang Happy Birthday to her, as I have done to my children for decades. During the subsequent conversation, I became aware that my Plan B has changed. Let me tell you how.

As you know, dear reader, I was sent home by Stevens Transport in Dallas, Texas, a week ago because I did not meet their medical standards. It was a setback but in no way did it diminish my desire to earn a Commercial Driver License and go to work as a long-distance truck driver for someone--after all, it's been on my "bucket list" for a very long time. While I have been studying the Michigan CDL manual in preparation for the series of knowledge tests I have to take, I also took the time to visit a dentist to take care of an ache. It turns out this ache is only the beginning of what will most likely be a very expensive, drawn-out process that might even impact my near-future plans. Here's brief synopsis of what has transpired.

I had a wisdom tooth removed in early January. That, in itself, was not a problem; the extraction when smoothly and there were no recurring issues with bleeding, pain, or anything. A couple of weeks later - and, I am told, entirely unrelated to the extraction - my jaw suddenly froze almost completely shut. I cannot open my jaws enough to fit a spoon, toothbrush, or most food that isn't thin and soft. I was put on 800 mg of Ibuprofen 4 times a day for two weeks in hopes that the problem was swelling. It wasn't.

So now, I have an appointment with an oral surgeon next week to see if he can resolve the frozen jaw. I am not that happy about it, but it is what it is. I have no dental insurance, so I'm paying for all this out of my retirement pocket, so to speak, and those are expenses I had not planned on. And I am sure that the oral surgeon will cost a whole lot more than the dentist.

The worst part about all this is that I might have to delay training or job-hunting, depending on what the oral surgeon says or does. I've never been to one but it sure sounds expensive--anything with "surgeon" in the title is bound to cost a whole lot more than I really want to pay.

Good thing I have a lump sum payment of my leftover annual leave coming, though I was not planning on spending it on dental work.


  1. Hello DD. Nice to see you on your own property. Loved reading your blog this am. Wishing you the very best in retirement. Zeke GSWx

  2. Thanks, Zeke. I can't let one "bad" day take my eye off the goal--those pesky "bucket list" items! I start CDL school on Monday, so subscribe! I will keep all reader up-to-date on what I do, hopefully day by day.
